May 12, 2022Liked by Stephen P. Williams

If you can bring together more than one talent and interest into a career it is a great advantage. Your creative and journalistic writing merged with visual expression bring two kinds of literacy to the projects . ellen. ,

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I’ve been pondering your idea of merging … then a writer told me that when she describes things in her book she is doing visual work.

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Yes—that's a sort of holy grail, isn't it? My wife (who you both know) is just finishing up her MFW in writing. What amazes me—AMAZES me!—is an authorial voice that is truly seamless. Painting is one thing, and writing is entirely another, right? Yet it is robustly, vibrantly, the same voice and sensibility that asserts itself, whatever the medium. At the core of all this is a robust...I'm searching for a word which isn't "faith", but that's the right one here...a robust faith in herself, and the bravery to hurl herself out there, torpedos be damned. I'm searching for that same quality in myself—it is incredibly elusive. Perhaps it's just core to who one is. In which, in my case, sigh...

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Holy Grail, right. Elusive, true. Important, yes. Easier as you age?

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Although the materials used in creative writing and in visual arts are very different the process stems from a similair place. Although I am a visual artist when I write, after the rough first draft, I feel Iike I am "sculpting" the sentences. ellen.

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i can picture that.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Stephen P. Williams

Great revelation! Own it! My brother, the artist!❤️

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