Everyone knows about Marfa,Texas, of course. Filled with famous artworks and people from the coasts driving vintage turquoise pickups. It’s a wonderful place, though a bit unreal at the edges. I drove an hour from there to Ft. Davis, population 2,000 and shrinking. Not far from the stately, and empty, El Capitan Hotel, I came across this sculpture park on the side of the main road. I don’t remember the artists’ names, and I regret that, because every artist wishes to be known. On my 35,000 mile drive I encountered dozens of sculpture parks like this, in the middle of nowhere, aching for recognition. But at least their art is in the public eye. Perhaps it is better to show your art in an obscure place than to be unable to exhibit your art in a hot place, like New York City, simply because you can’t find your way out of the cracks.
Every artist wants to be known
Story No. 12 from my roadtrip through the early pandemic (one-minute video)
Oct 26, 2024

Everlands, by Stephen's People
Surprising stories, videos and photographs from a 35,000 mile journey into the heart of the American pandemic, beginning in June 2020.
Surprising stories, videos and photographs from a 35,000 mile journey into the heart of the American pandemic, beginning in June 2020. Listen on
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